New in 2.3.1
1. C-I-A Exposure Report added at Object Operations Security highlighted.
C-I-A (Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability) Exposure report is made available on the data of the Object Operations Security report.
2. Error-s excluded from Compliance reports.
Records with Control = Error will be discarded from Compliance assessment.Error-s excluded from Compliance reports.
3. Manageable Control levels for Advanced Security report’s Compliance.
Manageable Control Levels are introduced at Advanced Security report’s Compliance reports instead of previous built-in implementation.
4. Entities/Users grid available for htm, txt and xls export in Compliance reports.
5. Control Level Critical removed from Advanced Security reports
Control levels set (and readjusted) as Generic –High to conform to other reports’ control levels.
Full development history for version 2 is presented in Appendix A7. Development History